When you need a
not JUST another gym!
(330) 867-2399
Whether you want to go it alone in our 24 hour fitness and wellness center, want the ultimate in personal attention & instruction with our personal fitness trainers, or want to achieve ultimate health through functional nutrition, or just want to diversify your fitness classes or appreciate the motivation of a group environment, but still want a personalized workout, then we have the solution for you.
your entire journey
Joining Personalized Wellness Center will give you access to a state-of-the-art fitness and wellness center that includes a fitness center and multiple boutique fitness studios under one roof.
Our unique 24 hour fitness and wellness center design combines the benefits of a full service fitness center with the privacy and personalized instruction of the boutique fitness studio environment with our certified personal fitness trainers.
We are revolutionizing the fitness industry by delivering a more comprehensive unique consultative process for all clients to receive a personalized service offering and programming, for all goals, preferences and budgets, because we believe everyone should be afforded the opportunity to succeed.
Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® (FDN) is a complete methodology (way of thinking with the tools to go along with it) used to help people recover and maintain the best health possible.
There is no interest in diagnosing or treating disease, an area well attended by licensed physicians. Instead, FDN investigates hidden healing opportunities within the hormone, immune, digestion, detoxification, energy and nervous systems using functional lab testing. Lab testing along with the trademarked D.R.E.S.S. For Health Success® protocol, Functional Diagnostic Nutrition® works to uncover the root causes of hidden stressors and restore your vitality.
The clues collected by objective and subjective assessments are then used to guide holistic lifestyle recommendations intended to coach up function in all areas of the body while coaching down contributors to Metabolic Chaos®, which will ultimately restore health and balance. Metabolic Chaos® is the term we use to describe your unique symptoms caused by chronic stress and conditions. These symptoms and stresses appear in each of us differently as we are all very unique individuals.
Learn More About How to Achieve Better HealthPERSONAL TRAINING
You'll be guided through this unique and comprehensive consultative process where you'll get a Personalized Wellness Plan, where we create a customized blueprint for how to best use our services and facility based on your needs, goals, interest, and budget.
At PWC, our personal trainers personal approach goes a step further with our fully equipped, completely private training studios. Our in club studios makes PWC one of the most unique wellness centers in the country.
There’s great focus by you and your Transformation Coach. No peer pressure or intimidation. It’s an environment that makes it easy to save time, enjoy your time here, and get the results you expect.
Private Training Semi-Private Training Pilates Reformer
Learn More About Personal Training
Try the hottest 45 minute functional strength & conditioning workout in Akron. Experience our scientifically designed full-body workout that is fast, effective, and fun! We have personal trainers to help you and make sure you are safely pushed to reach your goals.
Our personal trainers coach you through high energy workouts that consist or scientifically designed exercise sequences of strength, power, and endurance exercises to get you the maximum workout impact for every minute.
Learn More About Group Training
PWC is Akron’s premier 24 hour fitness center for men and women, 18 years and older. Located in the RiverParke building in the Valley, PWC opened in 2005, with an immaculate, reconfigured, user-friendly gym floor plan, all new equipment, a new cardio theatre, aerobics studio, and banked indoor track.
Various fitness center & gym membership options are available to meet any budget. Please call or stop by for a tour of the 24 hour fitness facility here in Akron.

your journey starts here
At Personalized Wellness Center, we don’t think it’s fair for you to donate your money to fitness and wellness centers each month or for you to put in hard work and get little success or short-lived results. That’s why we deliver a more comprehensive unique consultative process with our personal fitness trainers for all clients to receive personalized service offering and programming, for all goals, preferences, and budgets.
Our consultative fitness and wellness center environment provides accountability and personalization to each client. Whether it’s a personal training client or 24 hour fitness center client. As a new client, you'll be guide through this unique and comprehensive consultative process where you'll get a personalize PWC's Personalized Wellness Plan, where we create a customized blueprint for how to best use our services and facility base on your needs, goals, interest, and budget.
Schedule a FREE Consultation